Let our travel tips and recommendations save you countless hours of research and hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars for your trip to Spain with your kids.
Our travel kit will be ready soon!
By sharing our planning and discoveries from our Summer '24 trip, we hope you'll save countless hours of research and hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars in poor buying decisions – and more importantly, have an amazing trip to Spain with your kids!
Therese and I spent months planning our trip and put together a set of spreadsheets to track our findings. Then we actually went to Spain for 6 weeks and discovered where we hit home runs and where we missed the mark.
The result: the ability to share money and time shortcuts for you.
We're putting our travel tools and tips into a resource for families traveling to Spain with kids. We're covering things like:
Be the first to know when it's ready for purchase – and get the best deal we'll offer as one of our first customers.
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© 2025 • Bob Sparkins